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SCREAM it off SCREEN is home to the Official Twin Cities Homemade Costume Contest. This year it's taking place at our November 1st show - the day after Halloween. Only 10 participants will be allowed to compete, so sign up today! First come first serve.

"Hi, I'm interested in this. What are the rules?"

Costumes must be almost entirely made at home. Minor details, such as shoes or belts, can be purchased in stores and remain unaltered. Nothing can be purchased from amazon or spirit halloween. Costumes that required ingenuity, creativity, and time will most likely be favored by the audience/judges. At the show, each participant will be asked to step into the spotlight on stage. Terry will then read 3 sentences each participant provides us with in the entry form. They will not be able to speak into a microphone, but are welcome to do whatever they want during their time in the spotlight. 

If any participant shows up in a store-bought costume, they will be asked to leave the theater immediately and banned from SIOS for 8-10 months.

How to Win: 

The winner is determined by crowd applause. 

What's the BIG NASTY Prize: 

$101.01 cash prize sponsored by SCEAMy and everyone will love you.

I'd like to enter now. 

Will you be attending SCREAM it off SCREEN at the Parkway Theater on November 1st?
uh-huh honey
Is your costume going to be almost entirely homemade?
uh-huh honey
Do you understand the following: If you show up in a store bought costume, you'll be ask to leave the theater immediately and banned from SIOS for the next 8-10 months?
uh-huh honey
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